• Our ministries •
Childrens’ ministries

Children’s Bible Adventures: 10:30am Every Sunday
Children are the future of our church and we want them to learn about and feel Christ’s love! Our children begin church in the service and remain until the Christian greeting. At this time, grades K-5 meet in the Bible Adventures classroom to have their weekly Bible lesson and fun activities! All children of these ages are welcome to attend!
Infants – PreK children meet in the Nursery.
Youth Group
Our goal is to lead middle and high school youth to a life changing walk with Christ! All youth attending middle and high school are welcome for fun and learning. Contact us for meeting information!

Chancel Choir
The Asbury Chancel Choir invites you to join us for Sunday Morning Worship Service. If you love music and enjoy singing, please consider singing in the choir. The choir holds practice in the choir room before and after church every Sunday morning, starting at 9:15 AM. If God gave you a good singing voice, an excellent way to thank Him is to share your voice with others in singing His praise! This activity is currently suspended.

Bell Choir
Our Bell Choir provides music several times per year by adding instrumental diversity to our worship experience.

Chicks n’ sticks
Chicks N’ Sticks is a group that meets at 6:30pm on the first, third and fifth Tuesday of each month in the Wesley room. If you like to knit or crochet or would like to learn, come and join us. We make baby blankets, prayer shawls, blankets for graduates, and other items as the need arises. The get together is a time of fun, companionship, and of course knitting and crocheting.
Over the years, many have benefited from items that were made. Those ill were given prayer shawls, babies in the church were given blankets when they were baptized, lap blankets were given to those who would rather have that than a shawl and of course blankets for our graduates. This is one way our church members can help those in need. Each item made is lovingly prayed over asking God to be with the person receiving the item. We are an open group and welcome all newcomers.

United Women in Faith

The PURPOSE of the United Women in Faith:
United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
The entire program and organization of United Women in Faith focuses on mission. Our mission initiatives include:
- Providing opportunities to grow spiritually
- Equipping women & girls to be leaders
- Providing transformative educational experience
- Organizing for growth & flexibility
- Working for justice through service and advocacy
The United Women in Faith of Asbury strive to fulfill the PURPOSE and mission in many ways. Through our Hazel G. Cluss and Mary Beth Circles, we offer biblical studies, meet for fellowship, join with other UMW in our district and conference for leadership training and spiritual growth, and we also raise money to serve the many missions of UMW globally and also locally for groups that benefit women and children.
United Women in Faith
Mission team
Two work teams have recently completed updates at the Cansuslea Presbyterian Church in Frazer, Montana. Clothing, school supplies and hygiene items were distributed
Children's Bible Adventures: 10:30am